
1: Lose 100lbs. by December 31, 2017

2: Walk continuously for 30 minutes without being completely out of breath or having to sit down by December 31, 2017

Day Seventeen Tuesday, January 17, 2017

It's hard to believe it is already the middle of January. I must admit I am looking forward to Spring. I love sitting out on my patio in the morning and listening to the birds sing, watching the squirrels and rabbits run through the yard, and seeing the flowers starting to bloom. It is amazing how life renews itself and constantly reminds us that there is always something new coming. It is supposed to be warmer tomorrow afternoon than it is today so maybe I can spend a little time outside.

This morning I started the day with a trip outside with the dog and a 12oz. can of Pepsi. My mom came upstairs, she said she wanted the fresh air and she was tired of being cooped up downstairs. I understand but I wasn't happy about her climbing the stairs. Our stairs are very steep. I don't want to see her push herself. I want her to take her time and heal. I pray she heals quickly because I don't want to see her suffer the pain but I really don't want her to risk any new or permanent damage. I chose not to eat breakfast today. I know I am supposed to be eating 3 times a day, at least, but I have a hard time with that since my schedule is so weird most of the time. Not to mention, I am just not hungry most mornings. I did get my morning dose of Apple Cider Vinegar and two bottles of spring water.

I had an appointment at noon. I was running a bit behind but that kept me busy until about 2pm today. After my appointment I had my second dose of Apple Cider Vinegar and finished another bottle of spring water. For lunch, I had a small bowl of split pea and lentil soup. I also enjoyed a serving spoon of fried potatoes seasoned with bacon, green pepper, scallions, salt, pepper, and Mrs. Dash. This wonderful meal would not have been complete without two of my daughters amazing cornbread muffins. I had tap water with lunch, definitely not my favorite. It always leaves a metal taste in my mouth. I don't like purified water either, it always leaves me feeling like I drank too much the night before and I have cotton-mouth. After lunch, I went downstairs for a little while to visit with my mother. I didn't want her climbing the stairs again and I know it must be hard to stay down there by herself all the time.

For the evening, my daughter made some sweet tea since I was out of spring water. Bless her heart, she helps me so much. She really is a great kid and so sensitive. I had a couple of glasses of tea throughout the evening but I wanted to avoid drinking too much tea since it was sweetened. I had my third dose of Apple Cider Vinegar around 8pm. I had been busy with writing and some appointments so we opted to have a late supper. My oldest daughter, had a class to attend so she was going to be late and we figured it would be best to wait and eat together. We like to eat as a family. In fact, most of the time we eat as a family at the kitchen table. For supper, I had a serving of cottage cheese. I was still feeling pretty full from lunch. I really did eat too much during lunch.

I was feeling so full that I decided it would be a good idea to do a few laps in the hallway. I didn't know if I would be able to do my usual set of 4 down and back laps but I was determined to give it a shot. Since I haven't done them in a couple of days I was afraid that I might not be able to do them now. My oldest stood at the end of the hallway and talked to me the entire time I was pacing. It didn't phase her a bit that I was pacing. I think it is great that they don't even question what I am doing, they just act like it is the normal routine. After my walk, I did a bit more writing and then took the dog out again. Most of the time my girls take turns letting the dog out but I figure that any walking is helpful, even the short distance to the patio.

Around 10pm, I went downstairs to visit mom and do some weight lifting. I am really looking forward to getting that garage all set up so we can do some real workouts with the weights but for now I am limited to the chair anyway. I have started with light weights and plan to gradually lift more. For now I do two sets of 10 with 5lb. weights in several different positions. I know the weight is minimal but when you have barely done any physical exercise, you can feel it working. I definitely don't want to do too much and get frustrated or hurt myself. I know that would make me quit. Small steps, baby steps, are best for me to keep me on this path. So far, I feel I am okay with the way things are progressing. There are days that it is harder than other days but I don't want to rush any of this and I really want lasting results.

I decided to watch a little television after my workout and everyone was headed to bed. As usual, the snack attack hit midway through the movie so I had a few sour cream and onion potato chips. I think I had about 10 chips before I decided they were just too salty for me and opted to drink a 12oz can of Pepsi. At first, I thought that it was my third Pepsi for the day but then I realized by the number that we had left that I had only had one earlier in the day. Could it be that despite all the stresses of every day life, I am finally getting used to drinking more water and less Pepsi? I hope, I am not going to risk anything at this point. I definitely want to maintain the routine a while longer before I try to cut back again. Too much too fast could lead to failure. I have to keep reminding myself not to sabotage myself or the process.

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